March 26, 2017

Making the Offer on your purchase! Yes, Do you really know the right way to make the offer to ensure your desired results? Does your Realtor really know the correct way to make an offer? In studio is one of Chicagoland’s Premier Real Estate Brokers yes, that’s John Lyons, Baird & Warner
In your mortgage process on the purchase of your home, Did  you need Really Need to Close On Time? Were you satisfied? or were you led on and then disappointed? In studio to share with us a great story, is Chicagoland’s Premier Mortgage Expert, yes, that’s Chuck Poulin, Manager Eagle Home Mortgage.
Do you  know the Top 5 Red Flags to look out for when buying a home? Yes, in studio is the Premier Real Estate Brokers from the south suburbs, Yes, that’s Nicole Meding, Baird & Warner!
Cyber Security!, Yes, hot topic!  and with us is the VP of Marketing & Sales with the Landy Insurance Agency, John Torvi, to go over the all the latest